A recent workshop at our center delved into the fascinating world of Candida, a ubiquitous fungus with both beneficial and detrimental effects. Assit. prof. Dr. Hana Hani Al-Saffar and lecturer. Muhammad Anad Ghazaun, the session explored the basics of fungi, contrasting them with plants and animals.

The workshop was moderated by Assistant Lecturer Ali Kamel Wanas, who presented it with Assistant Lecturer, Lubna Majeed Hamid, and Assistant Lecturer, Sarah Jamal, The discussion then focused on Candida, highlighting its diverse applications in food production (e.g., blue cheese) and medicine (e.g., penicillin). However, the workshop also shed light on Candida’s pathogenic side, covering its ability to cause infections in various organisms, including plants and animals.

Methods for isolating and diagnosing Candida infections were presented, emphasizing the importance of accurate management. The workshop concluded with well wishes for the center’s continued contribution to knowledge and society.

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