Our center, under the leadership of Assistant Professor Dr. Hana Hani Al-Saffar and the committee for workshops and seminars, organized an important event today. The workshop, titled “(Eradication of Illiteracy, Purpose, and Ambition),” was led by assistant lecturer Walid Khazal Saleh.

assistant lecturer Walid emphasized the crucial role of eradicating illiteracy in achieving sustainable development goals. By empowering learners through education, we can:

Enhance participation in the labor market
Improve social, economic, and health conditions
Reduce poverty
Create more job opportunities
The workshop also addressed “post-literacy” programs. These programs provide further education for those who have already learned to read and write. This continued learning helps individuals:

Increase knowledge and information
Develop skills and abilities
Pursue higher education
Stay current in a rapidly changing world
Promoting literacy and continued learning empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully to society. We commend our center’s staff for their dedication to serving science, knowledge, and the betterment of our communities.

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