On April 1st, 2024, a workshop titled “Aphids and their biological enemies” was held as part of our center’s ongoing scientific activities. Professor Razzaq Shaalan Augul, Head of the Vertebrates Department, delivered the informative lecture.

The workshop introduced aphids as a major agricultural pest. These insects pierce plant tissues and suck sap, hindering growth, disrupting hormone balance, and potentially killing young plants. Additionally, the honeydew they secrete creates a breeding ground for harmful fungi, further damaging plant health.

Another critical point addressed the role of aphids as disease vectors. As they feed, they can transmit viruses from infected plants to healthy ones, leading to widespread outbreaks.

The workshop aimed to raise awareness of different aphid species and their target plants. Understanding these aspects is crucial for effective pest management. Furthermore, the lecture explored the natural enemies that prey on aphids, offering insights into potential biological control methods.

The event concluded with a commitment from our center to continue serving society through scientific exploration and knowledge sharing.

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